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Found 3 results

  1. After Tenkara conquered the USA, we have seen a huge growing interest in Tenkara from Europe. Countries such as The Netherlands, Finland, Germany, The UK, Sweden, France, Norway and certainly some more countries as well, that all have embraced Tenkara and more and more people are enjoying this way of fly fishing now! Therefor thought Chris Hendriks Fishing – Experiences, the only by Tenkara USA certified Tenkara guide in Northern and middle of Europe, that it was about time for a huge gathering where we can exchange our ideas and thought about Tenkara and learn from each other by doing so. This will be a great day where we want to introduce you to Tenkara and for those that are already familiar with Tenkara, you can learn more about Tenkara in every aspect. Experts from Norway, The Netherlands, Prague, The USA, Algeria and the UK will attend the European Tenkara Convention with presentations, demonstrations, products, guided services and even a fly tier is present to show you the typical Tenkara flies. You will see how Tenkara, but also fly fishing, started, how the gear developed into a more modern way, more important, why they still use the same fishing techniques as at least 400 years ago, why these techniques are still being used and why they are so effective. And do not forget to bring your waders with you so you can try Tenkara during our demonstrations!! The European Tenkara Convention is meant to introduce you to Tenkara and to supply you with all the necessary information by offering you a very interesting program with a variety of different presentations, demonstrations, a look at what all the different companies have to offer within the field off Tenkara and off course trying Tenkara yourself! The European Tenkara Convention will take place at the 27th of July at the Samfunnshus in Nybergsund, Elvdagsvegen, Norway. The entrance will be a 150 Nok (cash) and includes a lunch. Next week the site www.europeantenkaraconvention.com will be in the air where you can find all the information you need!
  2. After Tenkara conquered the USA, we have seen a huge growing interest in Tenkara from Europe. Countries such as The Netherlands, Finland, Germany, The UK, Sweden, France, Norway and certainly some more countries as well, that all have embraced Tenkara and more and more people are enjoying this way of fly fishing now! Therefor thought Chris Hendriks Fishing – Experiences, the only by Tenkara USA certified Tenkara guide in Northern and middle of Europe, that it was about time for a huge gathering where we can exchange our ideas and thought about Tenkara and learn from each other by doing so. This will be a great day where we want to introduce you to Tenkara and for those that are already familiar with Tenkara, you can learn more about Tenkara in every aspect. Experts from Norway, The Netherlands, Prague, The USA, Algeria and the UK will attend the European Tenkara Convention with presentations, demonstrations, products, guided services and even a fly tier is present to show you the typical Tenkara flies. You will see how Tenkara, but also fly fishing, started, how the gear developed into a more modern way, more important, why they still use the same fishing techniques as at least 400 years ago, why these techniques are still being used and why they are so effective. And do not forget to bring your waders with you so you can try Tenkara during our demonstrations!! The European Tenkara Convention is meant to introduce you to Tenkara and to supply you with all the necessary information by offering you a very interesting program with a variety of different presentations, demonstrations, a look at what all the different companies have to offer within the field off Tenkara and off course trying Tenkara yourself! The European Tenkara Convention will take place at the 27th of July at the Samfunnshus in Nybergsund, Elvdagsvegen, Norway. The entrance will be a 150 Nok (cash) and includes a lunch. Next week the site www.europeantenkaraconvention.com will be in the air where you can find all the information you need!
  3. After Tenkara conquered the USA, we have seen a huge growing interest in Tenkara from Europe. Countries such as The Netherlands, Finland, Germany, The UK, Sweden, France, Norway and certainly some more countries as well, that all have embraced Tenkara and more and more people are enjoying this way of fly fishing now! Therefor thought Chris Hendriks Fishing – Experiences, the only by Tenkara USA certified Tenkara guide in Northern and middle of Europe, that it was about time for a huge gathering where we can exchange our ideas and thought about Tenkara and learn from each other by doing so. This will be a great day where we want to introduce you to Tenkara and for those that are already familiar with Tenkara, you can learn more about Tenkara in every aspect. Experts from Norway, The Netherlands, Prague, The USA, Algeria and the UK will attend the European Tenkara Convention with presentations, demonstrations, products, guided services and even a fly tier is present to show you the typical Tenkara flies. You will see how Tenkara, but also fly fishing, started, how the gear developed into a more modern way, more important, why they still use the same fishing techniques as at least 400 years ago, why these techniques are still being used and why they are so effective. And do not forget to bring your waders with you so you can try Tenkara during our demonstrations!! The European Tenkara Convention is meant to introduce you to Tenkara and to supply you with all the necessary information by offering you a very interesting program with a variety of different presentations, demonstrations, a look at what all the different companies have to offer within the field off Tenkara and off course trying Tenkara yourself! The European Tenkara Convention will take place at the 27th of July at the Samfunnshus in Nybergsund, Elvdagsvegen, Norway. The entrance will be a 150 Nok (cash) and includes a lunch. Next week the site www.europeantenkaraconvention.com will be in the air where you can find all the information you need!
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