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Just nu pågår tävlingsperioden för v. 44 måndag - söndag.

För att delta med en fisk måste den vara fångad under tävlingsperioden.

Bilder på fisk som deltar denna vecka ska laddas upp i angiven tråd senast tisdag veckan efter. Vinnaren publiceras på onsdagen veckan efter.

Man kan delta med alla typer av fiskarter och oavsett fångstland förutsatt att man är medlem i Edgeforumet och att man har fått fisken med flugspö på en bunden fluga.

Alla medlemmar på Edge kan delta, även juryn, moderatorer och ägare får med andra ord vara med och jaga en veckans fisk keps.

För att delta ska en tydlig bild på fisken laddas upp i tävlingstråden, samt att längd eller vikt, helst båda ska anges. Ange även vilken eventuell våg som använts, dvs är vikten ungefärlig eller säkerställd med en krönt våg godkänd för storfiskregistrering.

Juryn kommer bland annat att bedömma fångstvattnets potential i förhållande till fiskstorlek. Det är med andra ord inte nödvändigtvis veckans största fisk av en viss fiskart som måste vinna.

Juryns beslut kan inte överklagas.


För att delta i tävlingen ska deltagande bilder laddas upp i denna tråd.

Sista tid för uppladdning är tisdag kl 24:00 i nästkommande vecka.

Vinnaren meddelas via mail och/eller IM och priset, en "Veckans fisk" keps skickas så snart vi fått vinnarens adress. Leveranstiden kan variera :)

Några har haft problem med rapporteringen då de fotar och dokumenterar med mobilen. Sladdar och trixande gör att de inte får över bilderna på datorn som de vill.

Därför meddelar jag att det är helt okej att lämna rapporter på SMS/MMS på tel 0709-105626.

Lycka till!

Håkan Andersson



Babbla gärna på i tråden. Alltid kul med synpunkter, debatter och kommentarer.

Efter att omgången är avgjord kommer jag ändå att radera samtliga inlägg utom själva tävlingsbidragen och eventuellt informativa inlägg. Därefter låser jag tråden.... :)

Posted (edited)

Hallo, I just want to put in my fish of the week.

I caught this very big and heavy Rainbow trout this Saturday at e reservoir in The Netherlands. This male trout, with a very impressive lower jaw made my day. The day started a little rainy but in the afternoon te sun warmed things up a bit.

During the day I cought several rainbows but this one cracked the day.The waight was 5,2 kg and to big to hold it around the gills with 2 hands. The drill took around 7 minute's and he went into the backing just one time, but it bended my new T&T TnT #7 weight very nice. I hope this fish deserves it to win.

ROD: T&T TnT 907S-4

Reel: Danielsson F3W 7ten

Line: Airflo Clear Intermediate

Fly: Black Blob

I remember the trout as a once in a lifetime! And off course C & R

TL Arjan Maat



Edited by Dryfly-only
Posted (edited)

Hi Arjan!

Awesome rainbow you got there! I especially likes the colouration and the hook jaw, and the generally density of the fish isn´t to bad either ;)

PS! Black blob fly?

Con grats!


Hallo, I just want to put in my fish of the week.

I caught this very big and heavy Rainbow trout this Saturday at e reservoir in The Netherlands. This male trout, with a very impressive lower jaw made my day. The day started a little rainy but in the afternoon te sun warmed things up a bit.

During the day I cought several rainbows but this one cracked the day.The waight was 5,2 kg and to big to hold it around the gills with 2 hands. The drill took around 7 minute's and he went into the backing just one time, but it bended my new T&T TnT #7 weight very nice. I hope this fish deserves it to win.

ROD: T&T TnT 907S-4

Reel: Danielsson F3W 7ten

Line: Airflo Clear Intermediate

Fly: Black Blob

I remember the trout as a once in a lifetime!

TL Arjan Maat

Edited by thegrappler

Thank you guy's for the nice words! :rolleyes: And thanks to the moderator to move the post to the right week :unsure:

A blob fly commes from the game cirquit, in the UK and in Belgium a lot of clubs fish games at reservoirs on stocked rainbows. It's C & R fishing so the trout become selective in feeding and flies. Something that works for these selective trout is a blob, you fish this on a sinking line or intermediate with a slow figure of 8 retreave. The blobs can be in yellow, orange, green or black.

TL to all and thanks again for the compliments !



thanks :D i got a smaller one last week

Ok Peppe,

Can you send me a PM with your adress in Sweden, I'll send you a couple of these flies for next time you go trout fishing.

Skitfiske Arjan


Ok Peppe,

Can you send me a PM with your adress in Sweden, I'll send you a couple of these flies for next time you go trout fishing.

Skitfiske Arjan

Oj, really nice of you. :wub:

My dad bob said that he has sent you the adress. :)



Hallo, I just want to put in my fish of the week.

I caught this very big and heavy Rainbow trout this Saturday at e reservoir in The Netherlands. This male trout, with a very impressive lower jaw made my day. The day started a little rainy but in the afternoon te sun warmed things up a bit.

During the day I cought several rainbows but this one cracked the day.The waight was 5,2 kg and to big to hold it around the gills with 2 hands. The drill took around 7 minute's and he went into the backing just one time, but it bended my new T&T TnT #7 weight very nice. I hope this fish deserves it to win.

ROD: T&T TnT 907S-4

Reel: Danielsson F3W 7ten

Line: Airflo Clear Intermediate

Fly: Black Blob

I remember the trout as a once in a lifetime! And off course C & R

TL Arjan Maat

Arjan, I'm proud to announce you as the winner of the week!

Send me your adress and I will post you a nice hat! :)

Posted (edited)

Arjan, I'm proud to announce you as the winner of the week!

Send me your adress and I will post you a nice hat! :)

That´s great news Hakan, I´ll send you a PM.

@peppe, your flies will be on the post on Monday! I hope you will win Veckans Fisk again next spring!

TL Arjan

Edited by Dryfly-only

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